Felling a bit melancholy this fine cool Sabbath days end. It is quiet, though one of the 'girlies' had to be put out of her misery tonight.
Always sad to lose a pet even though she was a chicken. One can say damn the devil! It was never the intention of Jesus that we suffer death/sin or what lays with in that realm. I cannot wait for His return in the clouds to take us home. My prayer is that all whom I love will have the same desire, that they will also except the invitation to live in the Heavenly kingdom. It begins here and now, as we pray "on earth as it is in Heaven..."
I just finished Jim Hohnbergers book, Come to the Quiet. He talks about having that intense one on one relationship with God and knowing God's voice, giving Him your all and excepting His all for our lives. The battles and sorrows as well as joys and triumphs! We all have them, but do we recognize them. I know some of mine, I know there are more. The book was his sequel to Escape to God. Peace peace wonderful peace coming down from the Father above, swing over my spirit forever I pray in fathomless billow of love...